‘Comfort in Learning’ was a project exploring the value of pedagogy and learning outside of educational institutions.
The embroidered text was responsive to my personal experience since leaving school - it stood up for creative education and learning through art and culture whilst criticising the current education system. Embracing the influence of the domestic, a theme prominent given a year in lockdown, the quilt was a blanket of knowledge aimed to be utilised in a variety of ways. By exhibiting my quilt in different situations, I aimed to convey how learning seeps its way into all aspects of our life. The process of making included natural fabric dyes, hand appliqué sewing techniques and drawing with scissors, whilst simultaneously learning through a variety of films, podcasts, TV shows, music and conversations. The text reads, ‘In the time it took me to make this, I listened to 5 podcasts, watched 2 films, had 3 conversations and learnt more than I ever did at school.’
Project archive: